Friday, 21 May 2010

Tips for keeping you and your guests cool

With temperatures set to sour this weekend, here are few tips for all you brides to help keep you and your guests cool.

Whilst the sun is shining and it's fabulous for your photographs, the heat can leave you feeling exhausted. Be careful not to dehydrate and make sure that you and all your attendants have little bottles of water to hand. Sipping little and often is better at keeping your body hydrated than thirsty gulps.

Handbag size everything!
From little cans of deodorant, to miniture bottles of Evian water spray, ask your mum, Grandma, aunty if they can fit these into their handbags so you have absolutely every minor drama covered.

The pregnant and the elderly
This may seem obvious but it's worthwhile making sure there is an emergency chair or 2 in constant easy reaching distance for any elderly relatives or friends that are pregnant.

Sun cream
Apply this well before dressing and make sure it's completely dry before stepping into your gown.

Well that's our top tips for the moment, but we'll continue posting over the course of the weekend, and if you need any help or advice at all just get in touch.

Happy wedding day to all those beautiful brides out there.

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